
Guest Host - 88 Jazz Place Weekend

This time it's for real: I'll be filling in for Skip Lezama on Saturday morning from 8 am to noon, playing the usual mix of jazz, blues, and creative backbeats.  Now that I've finally figured out what to call that mixture of funk and progressive jazz and whatever else hits the two and four -- creative backbeats -- I'll feel much better about playing more of the stanky stuff.  Tune in, listen, and if you want to chat, I'll even give you the number for the studio line.  Reasonable requests appreciated.

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PN 128 (Rebroadcast) - I Was A Teenage Jazz Curmudgeon

I catch my breath this week while WDNA offers a rebroadcast of a piece from the fall, "I Was A Teenage Jazz Curmudgeon," an apology of sorts to Kenny G.  What do I need to apologize for?  There was this blog entry from several years ago, "Why Kenny G Sucks," that's probably a good place to start, as well as some more crankiness about the idea of authenticity.  A long-winded audio review of Charlie Parr's excellent album Rooster should do the trick.  But much of my earlier, grumpier thinking about music and criticism has arrived at a point of balance, brought about by the always-reliable Wynton Marsalis.  Tune in today at 11:05 am on 88.9 FM WDNA in South Florida or online at wdna.org.

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