The Labor Day weekend is upon us, and Passing Notes marks its (fuzzy) one year (reboot) anniversary. A year's worth of writing this blog and producing my radio show and podcast has shown me the ups and downs of those 52 weeks -- what times are busy, what times are leisurely. Passing Notes is a labor of love -- I earn a very small income from it -- and most of the reward comes from the people I get to talk to and the books and music that arrive at the home office. An aspiring culture maven's work is never done.
My civilian job is teacher, and I've been at it now for 20 years -- good grief! -- so I'm used to the marathon of Labor Day to Memorial Day. And, if you do it right, being a teacher is very hard work; don't let anyone tell you otherwise. What I've come to understand in a full year of balancing family, job, and my Passing Notes pasttime is that there are periods when they all simply can't be balanced. That being clear to me now, I'll be taking fairly predictable breaks from the Notes -- at least online. The radio show should continue year-round.
I just completed my start of the school year break. There'll be another one coming in the days between Thanksgiving and the end of the first semester. Likewise, I'll be off for some time in May and June when the second semester ends. With a break to look forward to every few months, I think Passing Notes will be better than ever.
Miami Book Fair always brings the big names to town, so this fall looks to be strong in terms of guests and music and books. Next month I'll be spinning off my new zombie blog,
Mort-Vivant, just in time for the start of Season 2 of
The Walking Dead. So, we're back in business, with more posts coming very very soon. Thanks for reading.
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